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Sunset documentation on the farm

Embracing Life; The McConnell Family; Northwest Indiana Lifestyle Family Photographer


Embracing Life; The McConnell Family; Northwest Indiana Lifestyle Family Photographer

Embracing Life for All Its Meant to Be. 

The page flips, 

You let your imagination wander.  

Birds are chirping, 

Squirrels nestling in, 

The drips of snow melt outside your window pane as you think back to the sunshine of fall.  

Heart stirring to big dreams and wide adventures, 

But then also remembering the simplest of things bringing the greatest joys.  

Life is full of one thousand moments a day, 

Constant movement of time, 

An ever passing continuum of events. 

And yet, here in this passing moment, taking it all in is the best place to be.  

Observant.  Present.  Fully paying attention.  

Feeling the kick of the small new babe growing inside the womb, 

Listening to the laughter as the little ones play, 

Calming a fight and having gratitude in the gift of life brought your way, 

Affirming a questioning heart as doubts and fears come your way.  

Attending to the deepest questions wandering within your head, 

To bring you back to the greatest truths ever told in scripture.  

Moment by moment, 

Day by day, 

Year by year, 

Fighting for Joy.  Living with Intention.  Embracing life for all its meant to be. 



Do you ever feel as if you are missing all the moments happening right in front of your eyes because life gets too busy?  Or you are so caught up in maintaining everything in life before you, that is just begins to feel overwhelming, draining and unreachable for true rest?  Well, I have been right there with you friends.  Lately, I have completely let life and all of its demands take hold of pieces of my life, and what that has done is cause more stress.  So, I have started incorporating some tools back into my life to help me wade through the waters, back to joy.  It isn't always easy.  It is a constant fight, a choice, and a never ending battle to say, I am not giving up.  But it is oh so worth it! Below I have a guide I created with some of the tips that I have started incorporating that are helping me in this journey of less stress and more joy.  


Letter to the McConnell Family 

You guys, truly you are one of the smartest families I think I have ever met! But truly, there was such a sense of calm contentness among you.  I love you each take care of each other and open your arms wide to the needs within your family.  Each person turning to the side and being available for the one beside.  You truly are the most gorgeous bunch!! 

Aiden- You have the sweetest temperament and the kindest persona about you.  You can tell the wheels are always turning, you are observant and wise.  Slow to speak, but quick to listen. A trait I so admire.  I hope you never change sweet one, for you sure are a treasure! 

Finn- You are a caretaker through and through.  You love your siblings fiercely and make sure everyone has everything they need.  You take great concern for others, over that of yourself.  You are humble, and generous.  What a gift you are!! 

Kiera- Little miss beauty.  You have the purest heart and the kindest smile.  You are incredibly smart and so well put together.  The second little mother of the family.  There is also this joy that just spills over from you.  Your compassion is contagious and feel I could just sit in a room with you and soak it in for days.  Never lose your light Kira!  It is a rare thing to behold. 

Declan- Such a cuddler!  I love how much you adore and look up to your older siblings.  You love without regard and it is poured over in return.  Keep enjoying every second of this life! 

Eve- The spunk and life of the family.  You are going to be quite the leader one day.  You have a bold personality, and love the spotlight.  You are full of laughter, and ideas.  Your imagination runs wild, and I hope that only continues to grow and you lead generations with a fierce longing to change the world.  Never let go of that beautiful fire you have about you dear one. 

Sean- Stable and kind.  Your personality is so calm and humble.  You lead by example and with abundant generosity.  Your children love to be in your company and Christine is ever radiant with you by her side.  You give without reserve and love beyond borders. What a blessing to your whole family.  

Christine- I always knew you to be a giver.  From meeting you at Mops, and hearing your few but amazing inputs, I knew you were something special.  You are one who doesnt need to speak a lot, but when you do, my goodness everyone better be ready for a heartful of wisdom.  So calm and kind.  Yet, when I was able to witness all of your children, there with you, my goodness did it give me a broader perspective of just how wide your compassion and love for your family spreads.  Your children just simply look to you in full love and admiration.  You are the apple of their eye.  They fall into your arms, in full comfort and affirmation.  You build them up and provide the emotional security that they need.  And as for Sean, he beams as he looks at you, his beautiful bride.  You are the closing piece that keeps everything running, all things in order.  And yet, much larger than that, you bring continual hope, peace and an unconditional love for all those you come in contact with.  What gift it was to get to know you a bit through Mops and even moreso through our time together.  I will never forget. 


Figuring out the ebbs and flows of this life with you, 



Intentional Love; The Goetz Family; Northwest Indiana


Intentional Love; The Goetz Family; Northwest Indiana

Intentional Moments 

As moments pass and memories fade, I shall ever hope that I have documented them well, as to be able to bring them back into being.

 I deeply want my life to be intentional, well thought over, with my decisions having value and worth.  

To soak in the value of one another is to discover some of the greatest blessings this life has to offer.  

When we have the opportunity to share this life with those we love, those we treasure;

Well, it makes life a rich adventure.  

May we seek the best in one another, give of ourselves for the best in each other and hold captive to the beauty within one another, as to savor the rich blessing before us.  

I don't think we will ever regret the decision to listen and be attentive to those around us.  

Pay attention my friends, for moments are ever passing in time.

May we make them intentional. 


Intentional Savor 

This word intentional is what kept brewing over again and again within me as I documented this gorgeous family.  They are so intentional to show up for one another, to be present, to be content in one another's presence, and to enjoy the moments passing by together. There is always something about a large family that draws me in, but the Goetz family was something deeper, more poignant and reflective.  Drawing me in deeper and closer.  And I think it was genuinely their calm, compassionate attitude towards one another.  This intentional savor and love is certainly something to be admired. 


Letter to the Goetz Family: 

Your love is steadfast and pure, may it remain that way as you grow and mature, and continue developing in wisdom.  Your bonds and relationships with one another is the most beautiful thing, evident through the images and even more so in real time, your deep genuine care for one another runs far deeper than an evening session, but has depth that covers the daily void.  The hard days and all.  You guys are truly steadfast and loyal.  And what an honor to stand behind my camera and watch your magical family unfold.  What an honor and a blessing indeed. 

Rhett- What a cutie you are.  A ball of energy to be sure!! I know you keep your sweet mama busy, but goodness are you so wonderfully adored.  You are truly a ball of joy and you bring energy, life and excitement to the whole family.  Your family lights up for you and is enamored at all that you are. 

Julia- The sweetest thing you are.  You love fiercely and boldly.  You are so beautiful from the inside out.  You are going to be a go-getter, a world changer, a deep impacter for the lives around you.  You are something incredible. 

Cort- My goodness, you are so fun!! I just love your goofy, silly, compassionate personality.  Full of life and spirit, you will consistently bring the laughter and hype to the party.  What a joy to be around! 

Lorelei- Goodness, your heart is so kind and pure.  You are soft spoken and yet overflowing in rich beauty and grace.  You are going to have a heart of gold like your mama.  I see so much of her in you, even though we all just met.  You will love well, and love in wisdom.  You are a valued treasure to be sure. 

Case- You like to be hidden behind the scenes, yet you serve and love so well. It is so evident the way you love Rhett and watch over him as your own.  You are a protector, silently keeping watch over all that is happening and soaking it in.  I am sure you will be wise beyond your years.  You certainly are something special! 

Rece- The kindest leader.  You lead well as the oldest of your humble tribe, but you lead in honest humility.  You lead in love and you lead in service.  You have the best smile and the warmest heart.  What a blessing you are! 

Matt- You are present.  You know the value of everything you have set before you.  You love your wife SO well, and treasure her beyond this earth.  It is so clear that you would do anything for her, and because of the way you love her, it feeds over into the way your children love her.  You are steadfast and trustworthy.  The anchor among the seas. 

Janel- Oh, so full of passion and life.  You have a gentle spirit, but you love hard and love well.  Your children adore you in every way.  They admire and respect you.  For, you are the inspiration for your family.  You bring beauty and dreams.  You are the encouraging force on a bad day.  You are the steady stream, the constant servant, the humble beauty.  Your heart is kind and compassionate.  Something I think your kids get from you.  You are doing SUCH a great job as a mother.  I hope you know that you are chosen, you are beloved, you are a treasure far beyond the weight in this world.  You are one incredible person, and I feel so lucky to have met you!!! 


Be so richly blessed my friends!! 


If you are interested in booking a fall family session, the time is now!! I have about 3 more openings on my schedule! 


Shiloh Hope Turns 3


Shiloh Hope Turns 3

Psalm 62: 1 

"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation;  He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." 


I remember quoting this verse many times to myself throughout my pregnancy with Shiloh.  For you see, she was our rainbow baby, our child following our miscarriage, and I was constantly overwhelmed with fear.  Then, the Lord blessed us with her.  She came with extreme collic, jaundice, and eczema, but she also has provided a joy and love I did not know I could ever posses.  Something far greater than myself, for the gift of childbirth and parenting is a miracle that some days I cannot believe I am still living.  

Now here we are, 3 years later, I cannot believe how quickly the time has passed.  Many days, most days, have felt slow, inching by minute by minute through the screams, tantrums, fighting, surgeries, strong willed defiant toddler meltdowns.  And lately I have felt my heart racing, anxiety inching forwards, and my need to run to this verse once again. 

"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation;  He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."  

But this time, it is out of a different fear.  This time I find myself fearful of the transition of my baby girl into now a full fledged toddler, becoming more and more independent by the minute.  I feel my anxiety rise that I am not doing it right as a parent, that her baby days are over and she is paying more attention to me and my actions now than ever before.  Am I modeling well for her?  Am I being the parent she needs to be?  It all feels heavy, the mourning of her awakening into a little independent human, mixed with my fear of not being the perfect parent.  I don't want to let her go, yet I do all in one.  So I repeat it to myself again.  

"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation;  He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." 

The truth starts to sink in, the same truth I was reminded of before Shiloh was born.  Although she is an amazing blessing placed into my hands, she is not mine.  Let me repeat that, she is not mine.  She is the Lord's.  I have the time I have with her now, and for as long as I am gifted with that time.  I am to love, affirm, guide, teach, discipline, correct, give grace, show sacrifice and servanthood.  However, she is not mine to keep.  She is the Lord's.  Ultimately, I cannot control her or many things that will happen to her.  I can do my best to guide her well and protect her where I can, to keep her from as much harm as possible and to keep her in the best health as I can surrounded by as much love as I have to give.  However, the rest is in the Lord's hands.  The rest is in her hands.  She is not mine.  And that brings freedom for me.  I am so tempted to try and control the future, to place my pieces where I feel they should lie and then make them come true. But life is life.  I am not in control.  

"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation;  He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."

And when I can take this verse to heart and rest within the Lord, when I can find my salvation in Him and stop seeking approval from other moms or from my daughter, or from my photography, then I can truly rest content and I am able to better serve the other moms around me, I am able to be a better mom to my children without the constant need for striving, I can be a better photographer without the constant need for comparison and seeing if I measure up.  I am simply resting in the Lord, allowing Him to be my strength, my rock on my weak days, my fortress where I too can be protected, have shelter and protection.  For where we feel safe, we are secure to be our true and most genuine selves.  And that is what I wish most for Shiloh.  That she might rest secure in who she is and the amazing, amazing talents she is gifted with so that she might use them to shine light to this world.  May we all remember these beautiful gifts we each have, rest in them, and use them!  

My 365 Project for Shiloh. ;) 


If you made it through these, you are amazing. :)  Embrace all the moments you have with your own little ones!!  It truly is a gift. 



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