Lifestyle Photography 

Now, this is a term that in the recent years has been thrown around a ton in the world of photography.  For those of you who aren't quite sure what lifestyle photography is?  Well, that's ok because I will explain what it means to me here.  To me, lifestyle photography is capturing moments as they are happening in time.  It is leaning in to the details of the story, and bringing the emotion of the scene into the image.  I always tell my clients that I want them to feel something from their images.  There is this beautiful story that is being told every single day with our lives. Every action we make, whether that be to act upon an event or not, is a piece of our story unraveling each and every moment.  We cannot stop time, and this is what draws me so deeply into this style of photography.  It is not that posed images, or landscape, or any other type of work is wrong, this is just what comes most naturally for me.  It is where my eye and heart lead me in.  I love to be able to capture the small pieces of the story that might otherwise go unnoticed.  For instance, that short instance where the Father strokes his daughter's hair behind her ear, capturing his heart of compassion over her.  Or the way a son's fingers slide into his mother's hand, or the way his head rests upon her chest.  These moments, these deep intimate moments hold an extraordinary amount of weight and value to me.  They represent all the hard work you have put in, all the investment, all the ways you have been present together time and time again.  There is a connection, a bond, and there is nothing quite like a family bond.  There is something fierce and special about the way a woman will fight for her husband, or the way a husband will advocate for his wife or children.  There is power in the beauty of presence.  And this is what I long for through my work, to be able to advocate rich stories of hope.  The entire story, not just the small happy, smiling for the camera piece, but the small moments in between when you don't realize the camera is looking your way.  I long to remind you of the extraordinary your life represents, apart from the ordinary you feel it holds each day.  I long to create soulful work, poetry for your walls, hope for the blank spaces of your home, creating peace, joy and gratitude.  This is lifestyle photography to me. 

There is power in the beauty of presence.
— Laura
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.
— Edgar Degas

This is lifestyle photography for me.  It is the essence of helping others see the masterpiece that is held within their own lives.  There is so much beauty, so much wonderous depth within each and every client I encounter, and the masterpiece unfolds as we are in each other's presence, experiencing community and relationship through simply seeing each other through the lens of the heart.  Through being still, and intentional, through asking questions, getting to know each other, and being crazy observant of everything going on around us as well, the birds, the grass, the wind, the sky.  Everything in harmony together, in motion together, in a dance with each other.  Lifestyle photography is my breath of life for it all.  And capturing these moments is something that I never take for granted.  

Would you like to experience this in your own life too?  This art of photography is so much more than just taking pictures as you can see.   It is my way to bring hope to this world, to bring rich stories to life and to capture moments that will never return.  Let me bless you in this way this year.  Let's create something wildly beautiful together!! 



