
Lean in.
Let whatever needs to be, be.
Let the rivers rage and the waters fall.
Press on, do not delay.

Hearts grow weary each day, yet the beloved are waiting.

The beloved who do not yet know their names or places.
The beloved who are simply waiting to know life, to know love, to know the fresh rains upon the earth.
Step forwards, step forwards in faith.
Heart beating strong in the unknown.
Insecurities and doubts rising.
It is here in the unknown you know you are about to open the skies to the place of the sacred.

For within our greatest surrender, we discover God's greatest mystery.

And hidden in the mystery of God is abundance of wonder.

But first, risk the unknown.
Risk the unknown response to help a stranger in need.
Risk the unknown response of asking forgiveness from a friend.
Risk the unknown response of letting yourself and your gifts be seen in this world.
Risk the unknown response of advocating hope in your home.
Risk the unknown response in offering vulnerability over sustainability.
Risk the unknown response of love without judgement.
Risk the unknown response to give voice to the voiceless.
Risk the unknown to value every human life.

Risk the unknown response.

The risk feels like the end.
It feels like the wall that cannot be surpassed,
The impossible step ahead.
Yet, if we simply move one foot in front of the other,
Simply keep pressing ahead,
Minds trusting, not rusting,
Hearts ablaze, not crazed,
Hands open, not suffocated.
Then we will turn back and realize the risk we have taken each day.
The risk that just may lead to life altering reward.

Lean in.
Let whatever needs to be, be.
Let the rivers rage and the waters fall.
Press on, do not delay.

Hearts grow weary each day, yet the beloved are waiting.

