Slower. Deeper. Stronger.
Slower, Deeper, Stronger.
Stop, Breathe, Lean In.
Fight the urge to run away.
Instead slow down.
Take heart.
Take notice of the fear,
The pain,
The tension.
Lean towards grace.
Slower, Deeper Still, Stronger.
This is how roots begin to form.
Stay, Become, Worship.
Draw into the unknown,
Its ok.
Faithful love will walk with you.
Go slow, take your time.
Break free from the prison of the fear of the unknown,
And do the next right thing in front of you.
It’s ok if it’s not right,
It will continue to lead you towards what is.
Stop. Breathe. Lean in Deeper.
Can you feel courage growing?
Can you feel purpose rising?
The living waters begin to stir.
I can see the movement,
Hear its strength growing in the waves.
Do not be afraid.
Faithful love is here.
It’s ok.
Step out upon the waters,
You have secure roots within you now.
Take notice of the waters,
The sounds,
The cleansing,
The renewal,
The freshness in the air.
Breathe it in deep.
Take a moment to pay attention.
Faithful love goes with you;
Through the streams, along the valleys and breaking forth into the raging rivers.
Stop. Breathe. Lean in.
Take the next step.
Slower, Deeper, Stronger each day.