When You Feel Like you Don't Know the Way: Family Lifestyle Photographer: Northwest Indiana


When You Feel Like you Don't Know the Way: Family Lifestyle Photographer: Northwest Indiana

When you feel like you don't know the way, 

It will be ok.  

When you feel like you aren't sure what your next turn will be, 

Where the next idea will come from, 

When the next big break will come, 

It will be ok. 

When you feel like the roads ahead are filled with traffic jams and detours, 

Roadblocks and red lights, 

It will be ok. 

What I have learned in my journey is to just do the next best thing, 

Trust your gut, 

Trust curiosity, it can be your friend. 

Don't be afraid of failure in the worlds eyes, for failure is never as it seems, 

A lesson is always learned throughout and insight gained. 

Failure grants wisdom, and as we continue to do the next best thing, 

Eventually we will look back and realize greatness has ensued.  

We are living the good life. 

Still with the valleys of course, but many more hills than valleys. 

So, do the next best thing my friends. 

Trust your gut, forget what the world it telling you, 

You do not have to have your life planned out, 

In fact, I think its better that you don't. 

Oh how many wild and crazy adventures you may miss out on because of a plan. 

Be daring, be humble.  

Do the next best thing.  





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A story of Comfort from New Beginnings: Lifestyle Family Photographer: Northwest, IN

Witnessing the Most Beautiful Love Story

I drive into the neighborhood nested within a protective covering of the trees; a beautiful forest surrounding me with peace and comfort.  I step into the home, and an immediate comfort meets me there.  Gentle kisses, warm hugs, tender encouragement pouring out from this beautiful home, the beautiful people nested here.  Birth is hard, motherhood is hard- requiring great sacrifice and diligence, yet Chelsea meets it with the purest compassion, the richest devotion, the most beautiful love story.  

A Letter to Loryn:

To the sweet new Loryn, you are already loved hard and loved well.  You are surrounded by the best people, your people.  The birds sing and the trees rejoice, covering you in goodness, for your coming is so sweet.  You bring an overwhelming joy and delight.  You are calm and peaceful.  May you be destined for greatness in this life, a champion of your heart.  For you, my dear are dearly beloved, deeply loved and richly blessed. 

Letter to Londyn:

Oh my heart you are a lover!  You already love your sister so well and your momma is incredibly blessed by you. You will protect your sisters so well in the days to come.  You, sweet boy are destined for greatness.

A Letter to Chelsea:

Momma, what an amazing job you are doing! Your children fiercely love you and your husband adores you.  Knowing you personally, I know your gracious and loving heart.  You are a treasured diamond, a rich and rare find.  Your family is certainly blessed by you!  You are the best of the best my friend!

Letter to Leighton:

Oh your beautiful eyes.  You have rich compassion, caring well for your dolls and your beautiful baby sister. Your bond with daddy is the absolute sweetest there is.  Hold on to him tightly forever, never let him go, for rich treasure resides there.

A Letter to Jacob:

Jacob, what a fun-loving, servant-hearted, leader you are for your family.  You invest in your children well and I can see your adoration of Chelsea all over.  What a beautiful, beautiful love, even after 3 children.  :)   The respect and admiration of you from your family is apparent. You are a rich treasure for them. 

Thank you for blessing me!!

Cohen family, thank you for blessing me by surrounding me with the comfort of your home.  People who know you are better for it, I am better for being able to see a part of your rich story.  Congratulations on this beautiful season of your beautiful story.  Yours is truly a precious one!!



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All Encompassing Devotion: South Haven Beach Session: Amber & David


Encompassing Devotion

Character is reflected from that of one's heart, and one's heart radiates through ones words, actions and manner of being.  Amber is a person who radiates extreme devotion to her people.  If you have the opportunity to know or be around her, you know that she loves well and has a smile to draw you in to her beautiful presence.  David's heart reflects his willingness to serve.  He not only serves our country well through his position within the government, but he also serves his wife well, and others around him well.  He radiates peace, protection, strength, compassion and service.  When you are around David you feel well thought of and as if you matter, listened to and valuable.  These two together, well, it is a beautiful collision to say the least.  Amber radiating joy, love and devotion, as David brings peace, protection and service.  The people who have the opportunity to be around these two are blessed beyond measure.  

  It is a cold evening as the crashing waves slam up against the pier as the streams of water flow over the walkway.  The bitter cold winds strike our face and our lips are going numb, however, it does not phase them.  Their attention is on each other, on the warmth they bring to each other, Amber reminding David of her loyalty, devotion to her great man at her side, loving him well with her radiant smile.  David, pulling her in close, to remind her of his service to her, to warm her and  never let her go, to also love her well in return, wrapping her in his loving embrace.  Their love runs deep within their veins, bleeding out sweet fragrances for all around them to smell and admire their sweet romance.

 I hope you are able to delight in these images, and they make you feel as drawn in to these beautiful people as I was to them throughout the session.  Truly my favorite session ever captured I believe!! 



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