Etched into each other’s lives. Etched for beauty, etched for love. Etched for growth, companionship and purpose. It is not each other that gives us our purpose, but rather allows for our purpose to shine. Nicole has been a person etched into my life for an unmistakable purpose. She lives out her days faithfully serving little ones and graciously pouring her time, love and attention onto sweet friends. She is loyal, and her kindness extends beyond the farthest ocean. She will fight for you, and she holds truth on her tongue.

Photographing their family, there was peace, joy, and overwhelming togetherness. Walking through this season of life with tender new mercies each day and smiles to face the sun for the gift of new life resting within her. And even now, as she cradles her youngest to her she is a warrior, crafted with care for the purpose she is upholding.
And the way she and her husband Matt interact. Sweet graces each day. Their eyes sync in beautiful harmony, delight dancing over them. There is rich reward in the struggle they have fought through to the space they now hold so dear. Moments intertwined for strength and growth.

That day together, spent walking through the gardens, leaves crunching underneath our feet, watching birds fly in the sky. Listening to giggles as we danced the day away and breathing in deep, life giving air to our bones. Cradling their unborn child within Nicole's beautiful body, and covering her in sweet grace. Speaking words of affirmation and truth as we explored through the trees and found the light once more. Dancing, singing, laughter and breath to give the richest memories of an unforgettable evening together.

Letter to the Mirandas:
To say that you are loving, kind and an extension of grace, like branches sprouting out from a tree is an understatement. Your hearts know no borders, your love is strong, like a tree planting roots. There is depth to your family, an intangible bond, a reckoning force. Never lose your sense of wonder, hope and joy. It is something incredible for the world to witness!
Matt- A servant if I have ever met one! Not only have you served your family, but you have also been such an extension of grace to our own family as well. You show up so well for your family. Nicole always speaks incredibly highly of you in the ways that you come alongside of her and walk hand in hand together. And the way you love your children, making them feel important, valued and cared for is one special trait for them. Never lose your sense of service and the patience you have along with it. It is such a gift.
Maddox- Oh your sweet wonder and charm. You are a thinker and an observer. You love to explore and dream. You are going to grow into quite the little gentleman one day. Maddox, you are so deeply loved. Never lose that powerful wonder you have about you. People long for the joy you find in this world!
Morgan- strong and beautiful. You are a fighter, a defender of justice. You know what you want and you are determined until you get it. You will be quite the leader one day pretty girl. Never lose that strength within you. Let it carry you forth to big dreams. You will be a world changer some day!
Nicole- Steady and Strong. You too have a remarkable strength about you. There is something about motherhood, especially in these days of such little ones that brings out something fierce and beautiful in a woman and I see that in you. You are SO steady for your children, drawing them back to who they were made to be time and time again through love and compassion. You love deeply and with extreme passion. I love this about you!! I think it is what has drawn us so closely together as friends. You take a stand for the things that matter to you. You love beyond yourself and give more than anyone deserves. You are a beacon of light on hard days and a shoulder to cry on. You listen with compassion and answer in gentleness. You are an incredible friend, and I know a wonderful wife. The way Matt looks at you, he knows he has won the world with you. Keep fighting for those children, keep laying it all down each day for them, for they see you, they love you deeply and they treasure how well you love them, as do I. You are a remarkable gift to this world my friend. Never forget that. Let your incredible light shine for the world to see!

~With all the hugs and gratitude I can muster because this family has my entire heart,