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lifestyle family session

Etched; The Miranda Family; NW Indiana  Lifestyle Photography


Etched; The Miranda Family; NW Indiana Lifestyle Photography


Etched into each other’s lives.  Etched for beauty, etched for love.  Etched for growth, companionship and purpose.  It is not each other that gives us our purpose, but rather allows for our purpose to shine.  Nicole has been a person etched into my life for an unmistakable purpose. She lives out her days faithfully serving little ones and graciously pouring her time, love and attention onto sweet friends.  She is loyal, and her kindness extends beyond the farthest ocean.  She will fight for you, and she holds truth on her tongue.  

Photographing their family, there was peace, joy, and overwhelming togetherness.  Walking through this season of life with tender new mercies each day and smiles to face the sun for the gift of new life resting within her.  And even now, as she cradles her youngest to her she is a warrior, crafted with care for the purpose she is upholding. 

And the way she and her husband Matt interact.  Sweet graces each day.  Their eyes sync in beautiful harmony, delight dancing over them.  There is rich reward in the struggle they have fought through to the space they now hold so dear.  Moments intertwined for strength and growth. 

That day together, spent walking through the gardens, leaves crunching underneath our feet, watching birds fly in the sky.  Listening to giggles as we danced the day away and breathing in deep, life giving air to our bones.  Cradling their unborn child within Nicole's beautiful body, and covering her in sweet grace.  Speaking words of affirmation and truth as we explored through the trees and found the light once more. Dancing, singing, laughter and breath to give the richest memories of an unforgettable evening together. 

Letter to the Mirandas:

To say that you are loving, kind and an extension of grace, like branches sprouting out from a tree is an understatement.  Your hearts know no borders, your love is strong, like a tree planting roots. There is depth to your family, an intangible bond, a reckoning force. Never lose your sense of wonder, hope and joy. It is something incredible for the world to witness! 

Matt- A servant if I have ever met one!  Not only have you served your family, but you have also been such an extension of grace to our own family as well.  You show up so well for your family. Nicole always speaks incredibly highly of you in the ways that you come alongside of her and walk hand in hand together.  And the way you love your children, making them feel important, valued and cared for is one special trait for them.  Never lose your sense of service and the patience you have along with it.  It is such a gift. 

Maddox- Oh your sweet wonder and charm.  You are a thinker and an observer.  You love to explore and dream.   You are going to grow into quite the little gentleman one day.  Maddox, you are so deeply loved.  Never lose that powerful wonder you have about you.  People long for the joy you find in this world! 

Morgan- strong and beautiful.  You are a fighter, a defender of justice.  You know what you want and you are determined until you get it.  You will be quite the leader one day pretty girl. Never lose that strength within you. Let it carry you forth to big dreams.  You will be a world changer some day! 

Nicole- Steady and Strong.  You too have a remarkable strength about you.  There is something about motherhood, especially in these days of such little ones that brings out something fierce and beautiful in a woman and I see that in you.  You are SO steady for your children, drawing them back to who they were made to be time and time again through love and compassion.  You love deeply and with extreme passion.  I love this about you!! I think it is what has drawn us so closely together as friends.  You take a stand for the things that matter to you.  You love beyond yourself and give more than anyone deserves.  You are a beacon of light on hard days and a shoulder to cry on.  You listen with compassion and answer in gentleness. You are an incredible friend, and I know a wonderful wife.  The way Matt looks at you, he knows he has won the world with you.  Keep fighting for those children, keep laying it all down each day for them, for they see you, they love you deeply and they treasure how well you love them, as do I.  You are a remarkable gift to this world my friend.  Never forget that.  Let your incredible light shine for the world to see! 

~With all the hugs and gratitude I can muster because this family has my entire heart, 




Lifestyle Photography: What is it? NWI and Worldwide Lifestyle Photographer


Lifestyle Photography: What is it? NWI and Worldwide Lifestyle Photographer

Lifestyle Photography 

Now, this is a term that in the recent years has been thrown around a ton in the world of photography.  For those of you who aren't quite sure what lifestyle photography is?  Well, that's ok because I will explain what it means to me here.  To me, lifestyle photography is capturing moments as they are happening in time.  It is leaning in to the details of the story, and bringing the emotion of the scene into the image.  I always tell my clients that I want them to feel something from their images.  There is this beautiful story that is being told every single day with our lives. Every action we make, whether that be to act upon an event or not, is a piece of our story unraveling each and every moment.  We cannot stop time, and this is what draws me so deeply into this style of photography.  It is not that posed images, or landscape, or any other type of work is wrong, this is just what comes most naturally for me.  It is where my eye and heart lead me in.  I love to be able to capture the small pieces of the story that might otherwise go unnoticed.  For instance, that short instance where the Father strokes his daughter's hair behind her ear, capturing his heart of compassion over her.  Or the way a son's fingers slide into his mother's hand, or the way his head rests upon her chest.  These moments, these deep intimate moments hold an extraordinary amount of weight and value to me.  They represent all the hard work you have put in, all the investment, all the ways you have been present together time and time again.  There is a connection, a bond, and there is nothing quite like a family bond.  There is something fierce and special about the way a woman will fight for her husband, or the way a husband will advocate for his wife or children.  There is power in the beauty of presence.  And this is what I long for through my work, to be able to advocate rich stories of hope.  The entire story, not just the small happy, smiling for the camera piece, but the small moments in between when you don't realize the camera is looking your way.  I long to remind you of the extraordinary your life represents, apart from the ordinary you feel it holds each day.  I long to create soulful work, poetry for your walls, hope for the blank spaces of your home, creating peace, joy and gratitude.  This is lifestyle photography to me. 

There is power in the beauty of presence.
— Laura
Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.
— Edgar Degas

This is lifestyle photography for me.  It is the essence of helping others see the masterpiece that is held within their own lives.  There is so much beauty, so much wonderous depth within each and every client I encounter, and the masterpiece unfolds as we are in each other's presence, experiencing community and relationship through simply seeing each other through the lens of the heart.  Through being still, and intentional, through asking questions, getting to know each other, and being crazy observant of everything going on around us as well, the birds, the grass, the wind, the sky.  Everything in harmony together, in motion together, in a dance with each other.  Lifestyle photography is my breath of life for it all.  And capturing these moments is something that I never take for granted.  

Would you like to experience this in your own life too?  This art of photography is so much more than just taking pictures as you can see.   It is my way to bring hope to this world, to bring rich stories to life and to capture moments that will never return.  Let me bless you in this way this year.  Let's create something wildly beautiful together!! 




Majesty and Mystery; The Freyenberger Family: NWI Lifestyle Family Photographer


Majesty and Mystery; The Freyenberger Family: NWI Lifestyle Family Photographer


There are pieces we can never understand, 

Concepts and ideas that will remain a mystery. 

The wonder of Your glory, 

The victory You claim over our lives, 

The freedom You bring, 

The peace You wash over us, 

Your majesty is far beyond what we could ever fathom, 

Your grace is a marvelous mystery. 

Majesty and mystery, the beautiful collision. 

Undeserved, misunderstood, yet forever grateful. 

There is no one like You,

There is no love like Yours. 

Full rescue, full freedom, full surrender, fullness complete and without want. 

You are our greatest joy, our purest blessing, our richest reward.  

Majesty and mystery.  

There could be no greater collision. 


Joy in Chaos 

Friends, you would never even know it, but it was crazy cold on the day of this session.  Yet, the Freyenberger family was just amazing!  Something that was crazy evident throughout my time with them, was their fight for joy despite what the circumstances looked liked. It was not only cold, but it was also misting when our session began.  And yet, this is how they showed up, full of joy and beautiful grace despite the chaos occurring around them.  Despite the crummy circumstances outlying the day, they fought for joy, and they won.  If you know them, than you know what I am saying is true, but they truly fight for people. They are honest and loyal and genuine. They are calm and at peace.  They are true to themselves, and they are able to enjoy being together.  That is enough for them.  I so wish this for all families. To be able to appreciate and soak in the beauty found in the mundane.  For there is where majesty lies, right there in the mystery of the mundane. 


Want to create your own beauty from the seemingly mundane? 


Letter to the Freyenbergers

The Freyenberger family. Goodness, you guys were such a delight and a joy to be around.  You totally made 35 degrees and mist feel warm that day.  There is this light that shines from you guys, this aroma of contentment to just be and soak each other in.  And what a powerful testament that is to your faithfulness to each other and the way that you love each other.  Thank you so much for blessing me above and beyond what I could have ever imagined by giving me a larger glimpse into your beautiful life. 

Luke- You are a servant at heart to be sure.  You protect Joel well and make sure everything is in order.  And  yet, everything is done with kindness.  You extend all of yourself and the outpouring of that is the richest connections with others and compassion for others.  Never lose that fight you have in you for others.  It is going to lead you to great places one day! 

Joel- the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  Even as I was editing your images, I couldn't stop smiling as I looked over you.  You have a way of bringing joy to all that you touch.  Carefree and full of life, you whisper joy into the life of those around you.   Thanks for just being you Joel! 

Craig- Quiet, Firm and Steadfast.  You quietly lead your family well Craig.  It doesn't take a lot of words, and yet, you can lead in joy through action.  The boys just long to grow up and be like you some day, and what a great example you are providing for them. Not only in leading well, and loving well, but also in serving well.  Serving them, and even moreso serving Rachel.  The way you tenderly look at her, the simple eye glance check in to make sure everything is all right, the warm embrace, and gentle kiss on the forehead.  There is a strong gentleness about you, and it is such an encouragement to see.  Thank you for serving your people so well and being a great example for other men to look to. 

Rachel- oh dear Rachel, where to even begin. There are some people that just stick with you, and you are one of them.  Not only because of the countless ways that you have shown up for and supported my family, but also in all the unseen ways that you serve, love and encourage others.  You are an amazing encourager.  You speak life into your boys and Craig.  You are not caught up in nagging or strife, but rather you intentionally build up in love.  The way you approach your boys in gentleness and love.  It just radiates compassion from you.  Luke gets his compassion for others from you, surely.  You are doing such a great job Rachel, mothering, serving your people well, and being the firm root they can come to when needed.  And not that you are perfect, but rather, that you point them to the One who is, and that is where the true compassion lies.  So grateful for you and for our friendship, and forever grateful to be able to take these images for you guys! 


Fighting for Joy 

Friends, I hope that this week you fight for joy in your life.  That you are able to see the majesty of our creator, and the mystery that lies in all His goodness. We will never fully be able to comprehend the complexity of all He is, or all He has done for us, but I do think that we can worship Him for the faithful God we know Him to be.  And although life is not always easy, most of the time filled with hardship and pain, we can rest in knowing that He is faithful, He is good, He is true, and He is where we can rest.  He can provide overwhelming joy no matter what the circumstance.  Are you ready for it?! 

~Rooting for you dear one! 


Looking to tell your own story?  Ready to advocate a rich story of hope? 
